Ukraine During World War II: History and Its Aftermath
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Restoration of the 1985 Toronto Conference: Ukraine During World War II: History and Its Aftermath - with links to presentations on YouTube. Oct 19, 2024
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Part 1 The Crisis of Identity and Legitimacy in the Interwar Period.
Part 1 The Crisis of Identity and Legitimacy in the Interwar Period. Prof. Roman Szporluk’s paper (Department of History, University of Michigan; subsequently at Harvard University), read by Yury Boshyk, Conference chairman, University of Toronto.
Did events before WW2 have any relationship to events in WW2 ?
Restoration of the 1985 Toronto Conference, Ukraine During World War II: History and Its Aftermath.
(Reference to the Deschênes Commission of Inquiry on War Criminals in Canada.)
Directed by Yurij Luhovy
Part 2 The Nazi-Soviet Alliance: The First Occupation of Western Ukraine 1939-1941
Part 2 The Nazi-Soviet Alliance: The First Occupation of Western Ukraine 1939-1941, Prof. Orest Subtelny, Department of History, York University, Toronto.
Restoration of the 1985 Toronto Conference, Ukraine During World War II: History and Its Aftermath.
Yury Boshyk, Conference chairman, University of Toronto.
Directed by Yurij Luhovy
Part 3 The Nazi-Soviet Alliance: The First Occupation of Western Ukraine 1939-1941 Question Period.
Part 3 The Nazi-Soviet Alliance: The First Occupation of Western Ukraine 1939-1941. Question Period. Prof. Orest Subtelny, Department of History, York University, Toronto.
Restoration of the Toronto 1985 Conference, Ukraine During World War II: History and Its Aftermath.
Yury Boshyk, Conference chairman, University of Toronto.
Directed by Yurij Luhovy Subscribe
Part 4 Nazi Occupation of Soviet Ukraine, Prof. Bohdan Krawchenko, paper read by Myroslav Yurkevich
Part 4 Prof. Bohdan Krawchenko, Soviet Ukraine under Nazi Occupation, 1941-1944, paper read by Myroslav Yurkevich.
Bohdan Krawchenko, Assistant Director 1985, Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies (CIUS), University of Alberta.
Myroslav Yurkevich, Research Associate 1985, at CIUS, University of Alberta.
Restoration of the 1985 Toronto Conference, Ukraine During World War II: History and Its Aftermath.
Yury Boshyk, Conference chairman, University of Toronto.
Directed by Yurij Luhovy
Part 5 Jews and Ukrainians under Nazi Occupation, Prof. Taras Hunczak, Rutgers Univ., New Jersey
Part 5 Jews and Ukrainians under Nazi Occupation, Prof. Taras Hunczak, Rutgers University, New Jersey.
Restoration of the 1985 Toronto Conference, Ukraine During World War II: History and Its Aftermath.
Yury Boshyk, Conference chairman, University of Toronto.
Directed by Yurij Luhovy
Part 6 Ukrainian Jewish Relations. Question Period. Prof. T. Hunczak & Research Assoc. M. Yurkevich
Part 6 Ukrainian Jewish Relations. Question Period. Prof. Taras Hunczak, Department of History, Rutgers University, New Jersey, and Research Associate 1985, Myroslav Yurkevich, Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies, University of Alberta.
Restoration of the 1985 Toronto Conference, Ukraine During World War II: History and Its Aftermath.
Yury Boshyk, Conference chairman, University of Toronto.
Directed by Yurij Luhovy
Part 7 Ukrainians in Military Formations in WW2,. Prof. Peter Potichnyj, McMaster University, Canada
Part 7 Ukrainians in Military Formations in World War II: An Overview. Prof. Peter J. Potichnyj, Department of Political Science, McMaster University, Canada.
Restoration of the 1985 Toronto Conference, Ukraine During World War II: History and its Aftermath.
Yury Boshyk, Conference chairman, University of Toronto.
Directed by Yurij Luhovy
Part 8 Ukrainians In German Military Formations and German Administration.
Part 8 Ukrainians In German Military Formations and German Administration. Myroslav Yurkevich, Research Associate, Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies, University of Alberta.
Restoration of the 1985 Toronto Conference, Ukraine During World War II: History and Its Aftermath.
Yury Boshyk, Conference chairman, University of Toronto.
Directed by Yurij Luhovy
Part 9 Several Ukrainian Formations during WW2 Question Period
Part 9 Ukrainians in Military Formations in World War II. Question Period
Prof. Peter J. Potichnyj, Department of Political Science, McMaster University, Canada, and Myroslav Yurkevich, Research Associate 1985, Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies, University of Alberta.
Restoration of the 1985 Toronto Conference, Ukraine During World War II: History and Its Aftermath.
Yury Boshyk, Conference chairman, University of Toronto.
Directed by Yurij Luhovy
Part 10 The Allies and the Post-WW II Political Refugees, Military Collaboration and Repatriation
Part 10 The Allies and the Post-World War II Political Refugees, Military Collaboration and Repatriation. Prof. Mark. R. Elliott, Department of History, Ashbury College, Wilmore, Kentucky, USA.
Restoration of the 1985 Toronto Conference, Ukraine During World War II: History and Its Aftermath.
Yury Boshyk, Conference chairman, University of Toronto.
Directed by Yurij Luhovy
Part 11 Canadian and Allied Immigration Policy Towards the Division Halychynam (Divisia)
Part 11 Canadian and Allied Immigration Policy Towards the Division Halachyna (Divisia).
Dr. Lubomyr Luciuk, Geography Department, University of Toronto.
A Troubled Immigration: The Experience of Ukrainian Division Halychyna.
Restoration of the 1985 Toronto Conference: Ukraine During World War II: History and Its Aftermath.
Yury Boshyk, Conference chairman, University of Toronto.
Directed by Yurij Luhovy
Part 12 Question Period. Divisia Halychyna. Dr. L. Luciuk & Prof. M. Elliott, Ashbury College, USA
Part 12 Question Period. Divisia Halychyna. Dr. Lubomyr Luciuk, Geography Department, University of Toronto, and Prof. Mark. R. Elliott, Department of History, Asbury College, Kentucky, USA.
Restoration of the 1985 Toronto Conference, Ukraine During World War II: History and Its Aftermath.
Yury Boshyk, Conference chairman, University of Toronto.
Directed by Yurij Luhovy
Part 13 Bringing Nazi War Criminals in Canada to Justice, Mr. David Matas, B’nai B’rith, Canada
Part 13 Bringing Nazi War Criminals in Canada to Justice. Mr. David Matas (Winnipeg), Lawyer, Chairman, League for Human Rights, B’nai B’rith, Canada.
Restoration of the 1985 Toronto Conference, Ukraine During World War II: History and Its Aftermath.
Yury Boshyk, Conference chairman, University of Toronto.
Directed by Yurij Luhovy
Part 14 Soviet War Crimes in Eastern Europe, Prof. Romas Vastokas, Trent University, Canada
Part 14 Soviet War Crimes in Eastern Europe, Prof. Romas Vastokas, Department of Anthropology, Trent University, Peterborough, Ontario.
Restoration of the 1985 Toronto Conference, Ukraine During World War II: History and Its Aftermath.
Yury Boshyk, Conference chairman, University of Toronto.
Directed by Yurij Luhovy
Part 15 Alleged 'War Criminals', The Canadian Media and the Ukrainian Community
Part 15 Alleged 'War Criminals', The Canadian Media and the Ukrainian Community. Prof. Roman Serbyn, Université du Québec à Montréal.
Restoration of the 1985 Toronto Conference, Ukraine During World War II: History and Its Aftermath.
Yury Boshyk, Conference chairman, University of Toronto.
Directed by Yurij Luhovy
Part 16 The U.S. Experience. Prof. Taras Hunczak and Paul Zumbakis, Attorney, Chicago, USA
Part 16 The U.S. Experience.
Prof. Taras Hunczak, Department of History, Rutgers University, New Jersey
Mr. S. Paul Zumbakis, Attorney, Chicago, USA and member of the Association of Trial Lawyers in America.
The Relationship Between the Office of Special Investigations (OSI) and the KGB.
Restoration of the 1985 Toronto Conference, Ukraine During World War II: History and Its Aftermath.
Yury Boshyk, Conference chairman, University of Toronto.
Directed by Yurij Luhovy
Part 17 Is Soviet Disinformation a Factor in the U. S. Experience. Roman Kupchinsky, New York, N.Y.
Part 17 Is Soviet Disinformation a Factor in the U. S. Experience. Roman Kupchinsky, President, Prolog Research Corporation, New York City, NY.
Restoration of the 1985 Toronto Conference, Ukraine During World War II: History and Its Aftermath.
Yury Boshyk, Conference chairman, University of Toronto.
Directed by Yurij Luhovy
Part 18 Dr. Myron Kuropas, USA Experience - Prosecuting Alleged War Criminals in America
Part 18 Dr. Myron Kuropas (Chicago), perspective on USA experience. Former Special Assistant for Ethnic Affairs to President Gerald R. Ford. His comments on the book “Quiet Neighbours” by Allen J. Ryan Junior, Office of Special Investigation - Prosecuting War Criminals in America.
Restoration of the 1985 Toronto Conference, Ukraine During World War II: History and Its Aftermath.
Yury Boshyk. Conference chairman, University of Toronto.
Directed by Yurij Luhovy
Part 19 Conclusion - Last minute summation from each presenter.
Part 19 Conclusion- Last minute summation from each presenter. Prof. Yury Boshyk, Conference chairman, University of Toronto, Canada: Mr. David Matas,Winnipeg Lawyer, League for Human Rights, B’nai B’rith Canada; Prof. Roman Serbyn, Université du Québec à Montréal; Prof. Roma Vastokas, Trent University, Ontario; Mr. Roman Kupchinsky, President, Prolog Research Corporation, New York City, NY; Dr. Myron Kuropas, Chicago, Former Special Assistant for Ethnic Affairs to president Gerald R. Ford; Mr. S. Paul Zumbakis, Attorney, Chicago, USA. Restoration of the 1985 Toronto Conference, Ukraine During World War II: History and Its Aftermath.
Yury Boshyk, Conference chairman, University of Toronto.
Directed by Yurij Luhovy
P 20. Trailer -Ukraine During WWII: History & Its Aftermath Conference. Excerpts. March 2, 1985, TO
Part 20 Trailer On Ukraine During World War II: History and Its Aftermath
Restoration project 19 parts. Trailer showing excerpts of the conference.
Restoration Producers: Yurij Luhovy, Zorianna Hrycenko-Luhova
Held March 2, 1985, St. Vladimir Institute in Toronto, Canada.
Conference Chairperson and organizer Yury Boshyk, University of Toronto and others.
Music by Roman Luhovy, Kyiv
Directed by Yurij Luhovy
Dear Sponsors,
Re Ukraine During World War II: History and Its Aftermath video restoration project,
we had to reload the individual parts below on YouTube due to digitizing errors.
Part 2, Part 4, Part 12, Part 14, Part 15, Part 18 were corrected,
Attached, is the new list with the individual corrections. Sorry about the inconvenience.
Yurij Luhovy
Producer Director